Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Hamtpon is doing so much better with the reflux. I am glad to say that although he is still spitting up, it is not as often nor as much as it used to be. We still have an instance every now and then where he will have some projection and a lot to it, but that is not nearly as often as it was. He is so much happier now and I just love it. He likes to be talked to and sang to during the day and I just love to watch him focusing on what I am saying and get his little hands going in excitement. It is so fun! Little H is also sleeping longer at night now. He has been going about 6-6 1/2 hours without feeding which is nice for me to get more than 2 hours at a time of sleep. It makes me nervous when he goes that long, so I pretty much still wake up and feel him to make sure he is still breathing. After the 6 hour stretch, he doesn't make it more than 3 1/2 hours before getting up again. I am not sure why, but I am hoping to get him on more of a nighttime schedule soon!

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