Monday, September 29, 2008

Update on my Angel

We went to the doctor this morning for our follow up on Hampton. Yesterday and last night were pretty rough on him. He threw up everything he ate last night and it was EVERYWHERE! I felt so bad for him. But, we are on track to finding out what is going on. Dr. Whitaker sent us to Richland for an ultrasound to rule out Pyloric Stenosis and that we did. If he had had that, he would have needed surgery - Thank you, God that he doesn't need that!
Now, we are starting Reglan in addition to the Prilosec and we are going back to Dr. Whitaker for another follow up on Thursday morning. If he has not improved by then, we are going to a GI doctor to see what else we can do. So, that is where we stand. It is so sad to see him getting sick all the time. Please pray for him and that we can get this under control. We certainly appreciate it. Love, Us!Last night before bed and before he got so sick I had to change his outfit.
Before his bath, daddy held him and let him watch some tv. He was mesmerized by the screen.
Oh yeah - obviously he is gaining some weight. He now weighs 10 lbs 12 oz. So, that is the good news about the condition. It isn't keeping him from getting something down. Just look at those rolls!!


Tricia said...

I just love the baby rolls. They are so yummy!!!!!

Thanks for the update. We will definitely keep praying.

Magda said...

I will definitely keep Hampton in my prayers, the poor little guy :(
I know he will be better soon! Traci, he REALLY does favor you! But then again , all your children have been beautiful! Good genes...priceless ;)