Monday, August 25, 2008

Concert at the Ridge

Last night we went to church for the annual Concert at the Ridge to kick off the fall and our Home Groups. We had a meeting before so we were a little late to the concert, but we had a lot of fun while we were there. We were walking in and Logan heard the music and started running. He danced the whole time (his dance consists of clapping and some kind of little gallop he does). Here are some pictures Dylan and I caught of an excited Logan...

We did get him to stop and eat a hot dog, but he wouldn't really "stop" he just carried it around while he danced - I know, I know - it's a complete choking hazard, but we were all right there watching him.
Cooper was crazy dancing, too. He was hilarious and even got upon the stage sitting there clapping like a little groupie. It was so cute!
Caleb was excited to be out there running around with all the other kids, too.

Logan even tried to line dance!

We had so much fun watching the children dance to the music. We don't get to have all our children together often enough so it was a lot of fun!

1 comment:

Tricia said...

I am glad that you got some pictures of this. It was so funny watching the kids.

I will copy two of the pics of Caleb for later when I get around to doing a page about that. :)