Saturday, August 15, 2009


I have met my upload quota on photos apparently and now can't upload any more pictures. I am about to end the whole blogging thing because I am having such a difficult time with it. I have loved doing it, but don't want to spend money to keep it up...any suggestions???


Brooke said...

You must have something weird going on...I've never heard of a limit on photos or a cost to blog. Good luck...I hope you fiqure it out!

Jennifer said...

Friend, you need to load your pictures to a site like photobucket or flickr. It's good because you back up your pictures. You load quicker because you don't have to wait for them to load to the blog and it's so simple to post because you just insert the html code where you want the pictures and then you don't have to drag pictures where you want them to be. I think you'd be sad if you quit blogging. Call me if you have questions.

Elizabeth said...

Are you minimizing your photos before you upload them? I export mine in Picasa to a different size so that I don't take up as much room on the blog. Don't quit!!

Traci said...

ok - I was logged in wrong...duh!