Thursday, July 24, 2008

Pretty Little Logan

Yesterday I went to Enchanted Closet and got some clothes for Logan and Hampton for next year. I had so much fun and love all their stuff!!! I also got Sara Grace a couple of outfits that I thought I would try on Logan so that Chappell could see what they will fit SG like next year. Patrick was so pleased :)!Logan liked the outfit, but not the tag!
Such a pretty little girl!
Blake had Logan laughing so hard while I took pictures, I figured I better get one of at least just his head so that I had one that didn't look so girly.
Ahhh....the dress.
This was daddy's favorite!!!
For dinner we had barbeque chicken, ranch style beans and corn. Logan would only eat the beans and made an absolute mess! He had a good time and then we had to resort back to baby food again. I don't know what else to do with him. The only thing I can consistently get Logan to eat is baby food. He eats real food in the mornings, but at lunch and dinner, it is always a chance getting him to eat. I have been assured that he won't go to kindergarten eating baby food, but at this rate I am beginning to wonder!

He does enjoy feeding himself from a fork, but that is always a battle too. One day, I am going to get this down.


Aimée Nicholson said...

LOL! Traci, putting Logan in Sara Grace's clothes is just hateful. I will admit, though, my favorite part is how happy he looks despite it all...

Heather Smith of Studio H Salon said...

OMG! THAT is THE FUNNIEST thing you have ever done!!! I LOVE THE CLOTHES! Logan would have been a pretty little girl! But he has a weiness so he wont be wearing dresses til college when he is trying to join a fraternity at USC! haha

Tricia said...

So funny. Now you know what he would have looked like if he was a girl. I am sure Patrick had plenty to say about that one.

Don't fret about the eating thing. Caleb would not eat tablefood vegetables for the longest time unless they were mixed in with something else. Finally, he started eating them by themselves.

Jennifer said...

I love the dress! Logan is a doll! Now take this post off :)