Thursday, June 12, 2008

16 month old Logan!

Just a quick update on our now 16 month old. I haven't taken a lot of pictures lately because Logan and I have been so sick, but it certainly isn't slowing Logan down. We are going to be doing some fun things here in the next few days, so I will update you with lots of fun pictures of him and his big brothers very soon!
Anyway - Logan is learning more and more every day. He will now sign please, thank you, more, eat, all done and finished. He also can point out many many animals when he sees them - like an elephant, giraffe, cow, horse, pig, duck, chicken, dog, cat, turtle, rabbit, and some others I can't think of off the top of my head. The neates thing for me has been his recollection of the sounds some of the animals make. Right now he remembers the sounds for a cow, dog, duck, and horse. The cutest one is the horse. He has a southern accent and says it, "niy." It is really funny. He is so proud of himself when he does it. Of course, Patrick, Blake, Dylan and I are all around cheering him on so he is never going to have to worry about lack of attention! Last night while we were trying to get Logan ready for bed, he ran off naked and climbed into the dogs toy basket. I got a really funny one of him in it, but there were inappropriate parts showing so I had to delete it. But, I did catch this picture of him getting out.
Logan is such a fun and happy baby. We all just love him to pieces!!!!

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