Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hampton's First Cereal

On the eve of Hampton's 5 months, we introduced cereal to him. He took it really well, but the cereal we gave him didn't agree with him. Because of his reflux, it came right up and it burned him when it did. He screamed. We tried it again the next night just to make sure it wasn't coincidental - and, it wasn't. He threw it up so bad that I think he even threw up what milk he had eaten beforehand.

I think this is a cute picture of his little tongue.
After talking with the doctor about the situation, he told us to try a different type of cereal (Beech Nut) because it doesn't have the same ingredients and it would be better for his stomach. We were very hesitant to try it again, but we finally did and it has worked so far! It took me two weeks to even try it, but I am now glad that I did. He is doing VERY well with the Beech Nut!

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